This whole month has been kind of exhausting to me-I feel like I am out all the time doing stuff (for example, I went out every night Tuesday through Friday after work.) Now they were all activities I enjoyed doing but it was too much for me. Therefore I am spending this weekend relaxing, blogging, and reading (I need to finish two more books to stay on track with my reading goal.)
Sadly we endured our first loss this week :( It was to the best team in the league though and we held our own through the first three innings. Then I tried to catch a ball with my right hand (despite the fact that the glove was on my left) and our pitcher got a ball hit right to his ankle and had to leave the game because he couldn't stand. So hopefully we can regroup this week and end strong to return for the championship game. We're also already planning for the Fall Season which starts in August (technically that is still summer but who's paying attention?)
Amazon Vine Goodies:
On Sal Mal Lane by Ru Freeman
Battleship by Dorothy Ours
A Hundred Summers by Beatriz Williams
Sight Reading by Daphne Kalotay
I'll Be Seeing You by Suzanne Hayes and Loretta Nyhan
The Lost Sun by Tessa Gratton
I was also approved for Red by Alison Cherry on Netgalley-I'm excited to check out this YA title and plan to review it closer to its release date in October.
Plans for July:
As you can see, I received a lot of adult books, which means that Saturdays in July will be devoted to reviews of adult books. I am hoping there is some YA crossover appeal but I haven't read any of them yet so I can't guarantee that. Otherwise weekdays will feature loads of great 2013 YA releases, some ARCs, some from the library, some I've won.
Week to Come: It is super busy-I am not letting the holiday deter me from my typical posting schedule especially as I made a commitment to myself to read a ton this week and next.
Monday is the latest section from War and Peace; we're halfway through our year! I will also be posting about my fave reads of the year so far-there are quite a few and it will be fun to reflect.
Tuesday, I'm marking the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg with a review of Lisa Klein's Two Girls of Gettysburg.
The rest of the weekdays feature reviews for 2013 releases: Burning by Elana K Arnold, The Symptoms of My Insanity by Mindy Raf, and The Secret Ingredient by Stewart Lewis.
Saturday is a review of On Sal Mal Lane by Ru Freeman, recommended by Christina T at Reading Extensively.