Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Breath by Jackie Morse Kessler
4/5 stars
Graphia, 2013
321 pages
YA Paranormal Issues
4th in YA Quartet Riders of the Apocalypse

Source: Received an ARC from Amazon Vine in exchange for an honest review.

After devouring the previous books in this series (Hunger, Rage, and Loss), of course I had to read Breath and find out how everything wraps up. We've previously visited the Horsemen of Famine, War, and Pestilence which leads us to the most-feared one: Death who has proved to be an intriguing figure common to all the books. Although I think you could read Hunger or Rage to start, you definitely need to have read all three books before starting this conclusion. If not, you will likely have trouble following the action.

Unfortunately for me, this book was a bit of a letdown. While I loved the intensely personal stories of Hunger and Rage, which drew me into a teenager's pain as she confronted something dark and real, Loss was less satisfying and more out-there. Breath continues that trend, alternating the story of Death with the life of a seemingly ordinary young boy, unraveling in a somewhat mystifying fashion. I'm not going to go in-depth at all to avoid spoilers but I was pretty unhappy with some of the specific choices of this narrative.

I think another problem was the character of Death, who looks like Kurt Cobain. I've seen many other reviewers who gushed over him but I always preferred Terry Pratchett's DEATH so this variant never ranked for me. Some other things we learn about Death in this book also kept me from falling for him.

Still I ranked this pretty high. I do admire Kessler's vision as I have found this series very different from other books out there and I think the writing is pretty good. Although the conclusion is not quite too my taste (I would probably have pulled some punches), a lot of others have found it satisfying and if you have read and enjoyed the other books, you'll have to complete the series.

Cover: Once I read the books, I find that I really love the covers and this one is no exception. The infinity sign was not a favorite initially but it is explained and that won me over.

Other Opinions:
Tiffany's Bookshelf


  1. Oh wow, I have never heard of this series before, but it definitely sounds like something I would love to check out :) The book titles alone has me intrigued and I love anything paranormal. Awesome review!

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

    1. So glad to bring it to your attention-I think it's a neat concept that helps it stand apart from other issues books in YA.

  2. I haven't read this series but I think it is an interesting way to explore issues that teens face.

    I hate when the final book in a series is a letdown and am sorry that this didn't quite meet your expectations.

    1. This one just went off course for me but I'm still a champion for the series overall!

  3. I read Hunger but I didn't like it enough to keep reading the rest of the series.

    1. Well I did think Rage was the best but if Hunger didn't grab you, then probably avoiding the rest is a good bet.

  4. This is a series that I've always wanted to read but haven't really had much of an opportunity. I didn't realize it was finished but I'm happy to see that it is, which makes me more eager to begin it. And when I first glanced at the cover, I thought it looked odd - but I love that you addressed that in your review. Honestly, after reading this, I do feel like I want to try and find copies of these books to read. They sound like something I'd enjoy. Thanks!

    1. The covers make so much sense in the context of the story. Definitely give the series a try since they're all out now!

  5. I'd heard of the first two books but hadn't realized there were two more. Love unusual concepts so maybe I'll try the first one out!

    1. Yep, it's a tetralogy (love that word!) I've never read any other YA with the horsemen of the apocalypse so I found that to be a great hook.

  6. Aw, sorry to hear it was a bit of a letdown. I have read 2 and want to finish eventually

    1. I'm glad I finished the series-it just didn't go the way I wanted it to nor the way I expected it to.

  7. Sorry this one was a bit of a letdown for you! Seems like the series as a whole is pretty successful though, and I'm super curious about Death. I haven't read Terry Pratchett's DEATH, so I wouldn't have that as a basis for comparison. Maybe this Death will work better for me then:) I need to read the first three for sure!

    1. Loads of other people love this Death so it might be great for you (and I hope it is!)

  8. I haven't had the chance to start this series, I think it would be a good one. Great review.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever

    1. Yeah, it's a great unique concept and since all the books are out, it's a great time to pick them up!

  9. I really enjoyed the first two books in this series, but haven't gotten to the last 2. I'm sad to see that you were let down by them! I still want to finish eventually, but I know that it's not to be bumped above some of the other series I need to finish.
    Thanks for your honest review!

    1. Will be curious to see your response to the rest of the series-I found them so different and lacking that which I loved most about the first two.

  10. I read the first one in the series WAY back when it came out. I liked it okay, but I don't remember loving it and haven't had an urge to continue the series. But I think it's a great concept a good and important 'theme' for books.

    1. I did think second book RAGE was the best but loved that all tackled important ideas in an unusual way for teens.

  11. I haven't started this series. I do plan to read it. I remember when she first started it, how brilliant I thought the idea was. I still do. But she always had the idea of Death being Kurt Cobain. Even back with the first book. I think when she even conceived of the idea. So that wasn't ever gonna change. He was her muse for this series.

    It does suck when the finale is a let down. Maybe as you sit with it a bit, it will grow on you? I hope so. Your review was awesome because there wasn't a single spoiler in it. I appreciate that.


    1. Yay for avoiding spoilers-I try to label if I do but I've done it accidentally sometimes. The more distance I get from this book, the less of an impression it is making unfortunately-we just didn't click.

  12. I prefer Pratchett's DEATH, but I think this was an interesting take on the figure. I actually liked Loss best, I think. I guess the out there worked for me.

    1. Yay for someone else loving DEATH! I preferred the more grounded story but I feel like there is a little something for everyone in the writing style.


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