3/5 stars
Balzer + Bray, 2014
355 pages
YA Paranormal
Source: Library
I'll admit that I didn't start this book in the best mood, being somewhat mired in a blogging/reading/real-life funk. However I was sure this would be just the book to pull me out of that due to how much I enjoyed its predecessors Everneath and Everbound. However as you can see from my rating, such was not the case. It's not that the book left me upset or wanting to throw it against the wall (which has been the case with some conclusions to trilogies); it just seemed to fizzle out.
How do I mean? Whereas I found the plotting engaging in the previous books, here everything seemed to move at a glacial pace. Though Nikki and Jack basically retain their characters, with Jack pumped up more aggressively than before due to events in book two, Cole has an abrupt personality change that completely threw off the tone of the book to me. While I was never a fan of Cole (and kind of wanted to throw book two against the wall after what he did), I felt he was really done a disservice by the events of this book. I've seen some fans of his decry this direction so I don't feel the need to add my voice to that chorus but when even a Jack fan finds Cole's treatment egregious...
Something I did really like was Nikki and Jack's plotting to destroy the Everneath. They narrow it down to three steps, three incredibly difficult steps, and spend much of the book attempting to discover if these three things can be accomplished before mounting an effort. Their explorations into these different facets of the Everneath were fascinating even though I still struggled sometimes with picturing everything-this has remained constant throughout all three books.
Overall: A bit of a disappointing conclusion to me-whatever initial fascination this series held wore off early on in this book and I never recaptured that feeling to my disappointment :( I'm glad I completed the trilogy for sure but I'm not sure it was entirely worth the wait.
Aw sorry this was a somewhat disappointing conclusion. I really enjoyed the first, but haven't had time to continue yet.
ReplyDeleteKeep your head up, things are bound to pick up reading and life wise soon.
I enjoyed this one more than you did. I never really saw Cole as a love interest, so maybe that had an effect on my opinion of what happened.
ReplyDeleteJen @ YA Romantics
Oh no, what a bummer, like you I really enjoyed Everneath and Everbound, I'll definitely finish the series, just because I can't not but I'm so tired of trilogies with disappointing conclusions.