I received this award from Jessica at A Fanatic's Book Blog. Thank you so much!
7 Things About Me:
1. I love old movies especially those with Cary Grant.
2. I love Boy Meets World-especially episodes with good Cory-Topanga interaction.
3. My favorite book is Pride and Prejudice.
4. I name my teddy bears after presidents; hopefully someday I'll have bears for each of the presidents I like.
5. I love Broadway musicals; my favorite is Guys and Dolls (although I cannot recommend the movie)
6. While Cary Grant is my all-time favorite movie star, I currently have a big crush on Jake Gyllenhaal.
7. I think about time travel a lot. Not in how a person might accomplish it, but where I would travel if I could (I think it's because I'm a history major).
My favorite books is Pride and Prejudice too! :)