So I wanted to write up a complete list of what I noticed at the Glee concert; I attended the 2pm matinee at the Gibson Amphitheatre in Universal City on May 22. Some background: the concert tour is as if the glee club is on tour thus everyone performed in character.
I got there very early and thus had the opportunity to watch the two large screens showing quotes and screen captures from the show (obviously Sue had most of the quotes but they also had good ones from other characters) and listen to songs from the soundtracks although I don't think they played any which were in the concert.
The show started quite promptly (probably about 2:03 or so) with The LXD (The Legion of Extraordinary Dancers) featuring Glee's Harry Shum, Jr. Their dancing was met with applause but quite frankly, I really just wanted to see and hear Glee. They finished about 2:25.
At 2:55 (Yes, almost an hour after the time the show was supposed to start!), some Cheerios! started walking through the aisles handing out barf bags with WMHS; this was explained when the monitors showed Sue explaining how the show made her want to barf and she wanted us to be ready. It panned out to show Mr. Schue sitting next to her and then it went to the first song:
1. Don't Stop Believing-starting with the original six but then welcoming the others
2. My Life Would Suck Without You-featuring Kurt's Single Ladies dance to enthusiastic cheers as well as Quinn's Say a Littler Prayer dance
3. Push It-
Video Interlude
4. Don't Rain on My Parade-with Rachel coming out of the audience and actually walking around quite a bit.
5. Beautiful- Mercedes alone on stage (very dramatic)
6. Sweet Caroline-Puck with guitar (sawoon!) and audience singalong (also Cory on drums)
7. The Boy Is Mine-Love!
8. The Lady is a Tramp-Puck started and was joined by Mercedes and Santana
Music Interlude
9. Defying Gravity-Kurt and Rachel duetting (So beautiful); they hug at the end setting up...
10. Bust Your Windows-with the car (with unbusted windows) and scantily dressed Cheerios!
Music Interlude
11. Bad Romance-amazing! A huge crowd-pleaser!
12. Dancing with Myself-Artie and I believe Matt, Brittany, and Mike danced.
13. It's My Life/Confessions-So good. In the context of the show I couldn't decide which mash-up was better, but seeing it live makes me definitely choose the boys
14. Halo/Walking on Sunshine-the girls had really pretty yellow dresses though
Video Interlude-Sue introduced Vocal Adrenaline
15. Rehab
16. Mercy
Kurt and Brittany Interlude referencing their hookup from last episode and giving the stagehands time to set up the mattresses for...
17. Jump
Music Interlude
18. Faithfully-a song we haven't heard yet
19. Any Way You Want It/Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin'
Music Interlude
20. Like a Prayer-sadly cut but Kurt was totally amazing on his lines and he went over and kissed Mercedes again
Hello-with Jonathan Groff (!) making a possibly surprise appearance (I haven't read about him performing at any of the other shows)
True Colors-Yay-Tina gets the spotlight
Somebody to Love-so good!
Ended about 4:10-15, meaning about a seventy-five/eighty minute show.
Favorite Parts:
+Basically everything Kurt did! Kurt and Puck were definitely the two crowd favorites (and Kurt is my favorite character).
+My three favorite songs were edited to be much shorter: Bad Romance, Like a Prayer, and Somebody to Love (not sure if others were as well). Not sure about rationale for that.
+Not that this is their fault but I think the songs which haven't been released yet would have gone over better if we had seen them in the context of the show.
+It would have been cool to have the lyrics on the middle screen which was used for the opening of Bad Romance and part of Sweet Caroline
+I wish that Quinn, Finn, and Puck had been used more. I also would have liked to see Brittany sing more but she was super busy dancing and she also had several comedy bits so she was probably plenty busy.
Has anyone else seen the show? Were my notes interesting/helpful for those who haven't?