This post probably doesn't come as much of a surprise, given that is has been over a month since I last wrote anything on this blog. In that time, I have read a few books but nothing approaching my typical pace and hardly any YA, tending more toward adult literary and non-fiction. I journal very personal thoughts by hand but nothing particularly analytical. And I don't read and comment on your blogs as you'll have noticed. I just don't have it: my former zeal for reading, writing, and blogging.
I think it's a little bit burnout because I was struggling in November and December 2013 to keep up with content though I managed. Then in January, I went on vacation and when I returned, I threw myself into a busy work season somewhat at the expense of this blog. Lastly in March, I suffered a severe personal disappointment that was just the finishing death knell to my blogging desire.
I am only calling this a hiatus because I hope to return-I really do! I remember how much blogging has meant to me and how fortunate I have been to discuss books with all of you. I definitely want to keep my blog up as I feel like I did a pretty good job of providing timely informative book reviews of the latest titles with my unique perspective. I am proud of the work I put into this blog and I'm not ready to completely close up shop. But I wanted to share a bit of where I'm coming from and how I'm feeling.
Thank you to everyone who has reached out to me and who has been thinking of me during this period-it means so much to me to know that you care and I'm grateful for your friendship.
If we're not already connected on goodreads, you can find me at my profile as I am still tracking what I manage to read. I'm pretty slow at responding to messages but I'll try.
Much love,