Whoa-another post already! I'm still working on getting back into blogging but thought I could at least put up another "checking in" post. Yesterday I posted my first review in a while (Evertrue by Brodi Ashton) and boy was it hard to get back in the groove. I really struggled to form sentences and it's a bit shorter than I expected it to be. Oh well-I know that I am forever a work in progress...
Fun, Fun, Fun:
Last month, the gals at Rather Be Reading notified me that I was featured in the blurbs for Tiffany Schmidt's Send Me a Sign in paperback. I knew I'd want a copy but I only finally got around to buying one and snapped a picture to share below. I've never seen my pseudonym used before for praising a book. For my full thoughts, be sure to check out my review!
What I've Been Reading:
I started Marissa Meyer's Cress and am working my way through this behemoth. I am also reading Maximize Your Potential edited by Jocelyn K Glei, which is really speaking to me as I think about my career aspirations. I doubt that I'll be reviewing it as I usually struggle to write coherently about non-fiction but at least I'm getting some reading done. I was at the library today and also picked up the latest Rhys Bowen mystery and some Mercedes Lackey books. I think I partly overwhelmed myself with too many e-ARCs. I loved seeing them accumulate on my reader but then it was just too much. Expect to see far fewer in general moving forward as I attempt to regain my equilibrium.
Week to Come:
As many as three reviews if I get my act together so we'll see :)
What have you been reading?